Hello everyone from the Barnes family! Yes, I've figured it out! Our lives revolve completely around our little London. She has started walking and talking and is an absolute handful. She frequently says, "mo," for "More food." A necessity for her appetite. Mommy and London go on walks daily and whenever she sees a dog she starts to bark! She is such a joy and a blessing! We have had a pretty busy year with two weddings in the family and putting our house up for sale. Whooee! Shelley is graduating in May as well as Monica, Danny, (Shell's Sis and Bro.) and Arycca (Ty's sister). What an accomplishment! Tyler is still traveling and will therefore miss the graduation but, London will be there!....with Mimi (Grandma Simmons)
of course! We're hoping the rest of the year is going to be so busy! Mommy and London are getting a Cherry Hill's pass and can't wait to play in the water. We hope everyone has an awesome summer! Please send us all of your blog sites again!
Tyler, Shelley, and LondonSunday, April 13, 2008
All right people! Confessions! this is the first time I've looked at the blog since Tyler set it up! I'm guessing that everyone has gotten my blog site from Monica! Sorry! I don't know how to update it! I'll work on it pronto!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 3:17 PM 0 comments
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