So after having a broken nose for quite a few years I finally got it fixed. It's amazing! I can actually breathe without whistling through my nose. I've never thought of breathing well as a luxury, but I'll tell you it is the best thing ever. I feel light headed from all the oxygen. I also had not realized how crooked my nose was. After the bandages and the stints came out I took a good look at myself and thought, "I look a little different..." Yes, that would be the straighter nose.
Luckily, Ty was in town for some of my recovery and took care of me and our little angels.
Right after I had surgery, I was nursing Madden and burping him. He did a little bobble-head act and slammed right into my nose. While trying to get the blood to stop gushing, I pulled out a somewhat important stitch.
Fortunately, the doc says he hopes it won't separate because then I'd have a hole between my nostrils! that's not going to work for I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that. Anywhooo...I was smart enough to document this little experience with a hideous, make-up-less picture with a bandage on my face and another glorious picture with me and London and my massively swollen nose.
Can you tell I was on pain killers? My posterity better appreciate this humiliation.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A straighter nose and a blackmail picture
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 12:07 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Yearly Halloween Party!
This years Halloween Party brought up some interesting costumes. London was once again, a princess. I was Ugly Betty and Madden was a Pumpkin. I drew in my eyebrows really thick and the whole night they were itching!
Although, he cried a lot of the night because he was hurting.
Poor guy. At least he's chubby enough to look like a Pumpkin!
Gabe was Elvis and looked awesome!
His hair was so dang cute. My mom was a cat burglar.
Mandy was a gypsy.
Libby was Goth Brooks.
Dan and Emily were lifeguards and little Sammy was a Bear.
Madeline was an Equestrian (or lamo because it wasn't really a costume).
Dean and Mary were a King and Queen. Mia was a flower.
Luke was spiderman and Ginger was a little chick. Trent was a super dud because he was the ONLY one not to dress up.
I mean, COME ON!!! It's a costume party! Oh well, I guess we still love him. My dad was Nick Nolte.
He pasted pictures of his mug shot all over the house. It was pretty good.
I love this picture because Madden is trying to nurse. ha ha!
We had a donut eating contest and Dean won. His donut fell on the ground but, that did not stop him from eating it...on his knees...without his hands.
Madden was pretty fussy for a little bit of the night. My dad calmed him down and wrapped him in a blanky. Poor guy has acid reflux and doesn't poop for three days. I'd be fussy too!
He was so warm he slept all through dinner. The kids were hilarious. Mom had a ghost pinata and they went wild. The got glow sticks and candy and vampire fangs. London loved the fake teeth and also loved her earrings. She wore them all night! It was a really fun night and my mom gave prizes to everyone. She did an awesome job and always makes an effort to make our get-togethers memorable. Thanks mom!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 8:15 AM 6 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Behind again...
My sister, Maddie said it was time for an update and she is SOOO right! I took all of these pictures to show our basement and haven't even posted them. Oh well, I'll get to it. Tyler did take a picture of London taking her first nap in her new bed. She's done surprisingly well. However, she still wakes up at 5:30 am and I am always really tired. I thought that with the darkness of the basement she might sleep in but, unfortunately I think she has an internal alarm that forces her awake.
C'est la vie! For some reason I've been awful at taking pictures lately! So strange and out of character for me! London loves her princess costume and wears it daily along with a full slip that I used to wear when I was little.
I also took some pictures of Mandy and I holding each other's babies while the rest of our family ditched us and went to the fair.
Madden is still growing and is a happy, sweet little boy.
I'm grateful that London loves him as much as she does.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 4:47 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Okay, I know it's time for an update but I've been seriously distracted. Madden is continually gaining a pound a week and everyone is telling me how fat he is.
I just love him so much. London still loves her little brother a little too much but, hates me alot of the time. They even enjoy watching TV together.
Tyler and I have been enjoying her little comments and ideas she has. She said to me, "Boom Baby!" I asked where she heard that and said, "Mimi's." I finally figured out she heard it on Emperor's New Groove.
She's such a character. London's still wanting to make the muffins. Since they prohibiting and further weight loss for me, I haven't been making them. So I give her a spoon and some frosting.
So far it's been an okay compromise. I've become the queen of bribery with London. Even trying to get her to take a picture has become a challenge.
She just fights for the sake of getting my reaction. Luckily, I've still been able to keep the patience. However, I think she's wearing Tyler down.
We've been able to spend time with both our families due to the birth of so many babies! Tyler's sister had her baby I think eleven days after Madden. Funny enough, he was born two weeks early on her due date and she was born almost two weeks late.
Madden still has acid-reflux and cries quite a bit at night. It's been so nice to have Tyler home because I really thought I would tear my hair out. We've been laughing alot at our exactly alike Madden and London are. Here are some similar baby pics. This is London.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 11:50 AM 7 comments