Oh has it been a fun week!
Of course, we had to head to Cherry Hill to get our sun on since Tyler decided to shock me and buy a pass.
It's so fun because Mandy and I go almost the exact same days and the kids love each other.
Madden and Gabe are constantly running away from Mandy and I to head down the slide!
I lost London only once this summer and she said she knew exactly where she was the whole time....yeah, sure. She's still pretty content to be in her own world and play by herself.
Madden plays by himself most of the time as well.
Fortunately, he's okay staying close to Mommy while he plays:)
I put him in bright green water-wings just in case he runs away, which is exactly what he's doing in this picture.
Our good friends Phil and Tiffany usually meet us there too so that their girls can play with London. She's pretty sure that they're her cousins but, can never figure out why. Even when I tell her the girls are just her friends, she refuses to believe or accept that.
Here's Tyler and Phil laying out. Guess who the white one is? ha ha! Just kidding Moby. (No Tyler, that is NOT a fat joke.)
Saturday we went to Eaglewood Golf Course to watch the fireworks.
It's a hike up to the golf course from my aunt's house.
But, the kids love the adventure and the adults all needed to walk off our gluttonous meal.
Mandy and I were pretty concerned about whether or not Gabe and Madden would handle the noise okay.
Surprisingly Madden did awesome...Gabe...not so much.
Madden watched in complete silence and awe while Gabe covered his eyes with one hand. (can I just ask why is it so hard for everyone to look good in THE SAME picture?)
After the fireworks we couldn't find Luke. Frantic and split up, everybody was looking and running around like crazy! They finally found him. Apparently he was wandering around without a care in the world BEFORE THE FIREWORKS!
We lost him and didn't even notice amongst all of the kids! Luckily a woman saw him in front of her house and told him that he was too young to be walking by himself. She asked him to sit with them during the fireworks and watched him until we found him. Thank heavens for good people. Before the fireworks the kids had been playing around and throwing rocks in the pond with Papa....and..uh, Dean and London posed.

My dad was probably the most popular person because he was handing out the pebbles to be tossed. It was actually quite a fun and memorable night even with the fear of losing Lukers.
On the fourth, Maddie and I woke up at the crack of dawn to go running in the mountains.
It was overcast and totally perfect for a morning run. Ty and I were just going to take the kids to Cherry Hill instead of the parade but, quickly changed our minds.
London would have been devastated to miss the parade. I called Mandy, since nobody else in our family could go and luckily her in-laws and set up a place ahead of time.
London, Gabe, and Madden were going nuts on the blow-up slides and that bouncy-thing. In fact, Madden DID NOT want to leave it.
When we finally got him away to watch the parade, he was pretty exhausted.
He ended up sitting on my lap most of the time, but only after he sat in water that was in the gutter. I guess he was hot or something.
I had to undo the buttons on his onesie to let it dry. London was eating candy like a machine but, Madden wouldn't even have it.
He was just so tired. It was a great Fourth of July and ended with a great BBQ and the grown-ups.
I love when a holiday goes well!