Sunday, February 21, 2010

The men in my life......

Sigh, my poor boys. Unfortunately, Tyler was getting sick this week and Madden sounds like he has RSV again! WTH!!!! Why? I don't know!!!!! So Tyler spent one entire day in his jammies, laying on the couch. Poor guy. Since, Mad wasn't feeling so hot, he was pretty cuddly. Sad...... at least Tyler got some website stuff done right? Oh, and I was able to cut his hair. I hate it when it looks long....and stupid. Sorry, hon.


Monica said...

so sad!

Ty's hair looks great!

Miss you. I need to be better about calling!

Unknown said...

poor guy.
i'm wondering if that is where norah got sick when she and madden were playing at church last sunday. just got results back that she has rsv, and an ear infection. yuck. she isn't too bad yet. let's hope it stays that way.

Unknown said...

How do they get RSV and what does it look like? Poor kid... poor family. You guys have been hit hard.

Camille Hammond said...

Sorry Ty's sick, but I'm glad you're feeling better! I loved the pic of London's straight hair.