Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Post #2

London's birthday was so cute. I woke her up and let her open up her outfit for the day and she basically looked at them and then looked at me like, "This....is it?" She then said very quietly, "Thank you, Mommy." I quickly said, "Don't worry, I have better at Mimi's tonight!" Which, I totally did! My siblings were so nice to come have a little party at my mom's since Tyler was gone. London had been having a really hard time missing her daddy and was really disappointed he wasn't there for her birthday. She got a bag of faux make-up, a stroller, blocks, puzzles,....way too much. Her baby stroller was a hit as was her make up. The make up has a little blow dryer that makes a loud noise and she loves it! That night, she was pretty attached to her toys and forgot about the party. It's so sad, yet rewarding to see how big she's growing up to be. Lewie's so smart she figured out how to open her dad's iphone and get into the games. What can I say, I'm biased!


Unknown said...

NOt biased at all you have the cutest little girl!!! She is just as pretty as her mom. Wow! you guys make pretty little kids...

Carly said...

I can't believe she is getting so old...we are so old! She is beautiful, I need to see her soon. It has been too long.