Friday, December 5, 2008

What a Let Down....

Okay, I don't usually post twice in one day, but I'm due for serious updates. Tyler was gone for two weeks in Australia and came home for my birthday. London was asking about where Daddy was every single day. Needless to say, I was sure she was going to give Tyler the biggest, most excited reaction ever. Because I was so sure, I recorded it. Yes, I recorded it. Here it is folks, the not-so-great reaction caught on video for your pleasure. By the way, do I sound just like my sister, Monica or is it just me?


Abong said...

awh she is so freakin cute!!!!!

Carly said...

My Bells.

I tried to call you today to go for a hike, but then I didn't have your number in my phone. Please send it to me.

Monique said...

Oh that is just so adorable. She talks just like Ty. :)

Whitney said...

So cute! She is darling. Maybe she just forgot what Daddy looked like? Or she was in shock?