This was another hiking day. We hiked to boulder lake which literally sits in a bowl surrounded by boulders. Dean got in the ice cold water and dragged Luke and some of the other boys around on a log.
My uncle helped the other grandkids (mainly Cami, I think) go fishing. London once again walked almost the entire way.
We got to the top and she played happily in the water while the rest of us had our lunch.
I don't think my dad and I moved once from our spots.
Only on the way down was she pretty tired. Tyler picked her up the last little bit and she fell asleep.
What an angel.
At the end of the trail (or beginning, however you look at it.) We ran into Grandma, Grandpa, Mandy, Trent, and little Gabe.
They had brought chairs out to sit and wait for us. Sammy, of course, loves me and wanted his darling picture taken.
This hike just about did me in. I felt fine on the hike, a little tired at the end, but by two o'clock I was not so sure I wouldn't be having a baby that night. Tyler went golfing with the boys and I didn't tell him because I thought maybe the contractions would go away. Finally when he got back around 8 I told him. My cousin, whose an OB nurse, told me to have a big glass of water and a tylenol and lie down. I was up all night with contractions and seriously uncomfortable. At 9 the next morning I had a bath and sat there until they went away. Thank heavens I didn't have a baby in the middle of nowhere! Just in case my cousin brought an umbilical cord clamp. I'm so glad I didn't have to use it.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 4
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 8:02 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 3
On Monday most of the family went rafting. Since I couldn't go and was going to help my mom babysit the kids, Tyler stayed behind to help. He is such a sweetie and by doing this my dad got to go. In all the years we've been to McCall (I want to say 7 times) my dad has never been rafting! It was actually a pretty tame day. The kids played in the hot tub out back and eventually we went to the pool. While there the family got back from their trip.
I only got a couple pics of Sammy!
It was pretty funny because we got to the pool and it looked like all these kids were mine. Mia, Luke, London, Ginger and Sammy looked like twins, and here I was about to burst! This family could not quit staring at us!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
McCall!!!! Day 1 and 2
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 5:46 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Maternity Clothes
If any of you are looking for super sweet maternity clothes, I was asked to model these clothes at and go to basics and collections. I think they couldn't find another pregnant woman but, feel free to look!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 11:05 AM 17 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
More pictures!
I guess I forgot to write below, this is Mandy and Trent's baby! In this picture he cuddled right on top of my belly!
And just for good measure, here is what London looked like as a baby. Can anyone say, COUSINS?
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 8:51 AM 3 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Our family waited impatiently and nervously on Tuesday for this little man to come. Gabriel Trent Nelson was born Tuesday afternoon weighing a whopping 9 lbs 9 oz and is 20 inches long. He is so beautiful I can't even put his features to justice in words.
Gabe was born with the most beautiful black hair and is seriously identical to Mandy's baby pics. My mom says that Gabe and my baby are like Jesus and John because every time I held him, my baby would go nuts! Welcome to the world little man! My baby boy will be here to keep you company in four weeks! More pics to be posted later.....
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 7:56 AM 6 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!
Okay, this may be my second post for the day but I had to do it! Those of you who know me well also know that I LOVE the Fourth of July. It is my favorite holiday. I don't know why but I love the parade, the stupid tradition of taffy throwing, bbq's and fireworks. What could make a better day?
We started the day with Tyler working as hard as he could in the basement and me taking care of Lewie upstairs. I bought this dress for her last year and thought it would fit her again this year.
Unfortunately, she has grown ALOT! I didn't care that it was now a mini-dress and she was pleased to wear her "Pretty" dress and her "Squeakers." Her Squeakers are these red shoes that squeak with every step, and I mean every step! We raced to the parade and London brought her purse to gather all the candy. She had so much and guess who ate most of it, ME!
At one point, she wouldn't go up and stand in the front with Luke and Mia. We asked her why and she said, "It makes me a little Nerbous (nervous)."
Apparently the fire trucks were a little boisterous for her tender ears. This is her staring in terror at all of the noise. I think all of the kids loved the parade. Ty snuck this picture of our backs.
I love how Dean is carrying two kids. I don't know why, but every picture I took with Tyler in it, his mouth is wide open. I think it's because he's chewing ice.
I, of course, was roasting at the beginning regardless of the glorious temperature for July. Tyler let me get two snowies and obviously he must have been enjoying them as well. Notice Ginger and Dean reaching for eachother. CUTE! Besides being pregnant and worried that I would be uber uncomfortable the whole day, it was actually pretty fun. I can't say I love the pregnant pics but, my only excuse for my size is that I'm almost due.
The guys went golfing in the afternoon and when they came back we had a nice little bbq. One tradition that I love is our hike into the mountains to watch all of the surround fireworks. London was hilarious. Last year I think she fell asleep in the mountains, but this year she was a font of comments. For an hour and a half she commented on EVERY firework. The most common word was, "It's beautiful!" Tyler recorded her talking. Sorry, you can't see much but, her comments were so funny!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 9:12 AM 3 comments
Happy Belated Birthday and Father's Day!
Okay, yeah I'm a little behind but better late than never. It was my dad's birthday two days after Father's Day and we had a little barbeque to celebrate.
London and Luke are hilarious when they're together. The whole time they would say to each other, "Look, Luke!" Or "Come with me!"
They were two tornadoes! They even had to blow out my Dad's candles together.
I have to say to my dad and to Tyler that they are the two best dad's.....(my brother's are included) in the whole world. Tyler, I missed you on Father's Day but, I love you and London adores you! London loves her "Papa" and I feel comfortable knowing that London has another father when her dad is gone. Loves to all!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 9:02 AM 1 comments