Yep, that's right. I had shoulder surgery at the beginning of December making this my second within a two month period. Using one arm is difficult, but trying to nurse a growing little boy and having Tyler do my hair were definite downsides. I can't even say how sad I was that I couldn't even hold my little baby. This was the best we could do....
Since, Tyler has been gone for two weeks I have been staying at my parents. It's been nice to have the help but, I'm so excited for the hubs to get home today. My poor parents have sacrificed a lot of sleep helping me. London literally refused to go to sleep for all of her naps and every night.
Funny enough, the day before Tyler left London fell asleep on our kitchen stool mid-yelling that she wasn't going to take a nap!
The only way we could get her to take a nap was a drive everyday. Unfortunately, I made a midnight drive one night because she was so hyper and Poppa and Mimi were tired as well as me!
Maddie has also been a big help changing diapers galore.
The week after my surgery I was foolish enough to schedule Madden's four month check-up.
I'm just glad Mimi was okay taking us there, taking care of me, and taking care of a four month old who just had shots.
This is in addition to an attitude-consumed two year old. YIKES! If I wrote every funny, clever, or mean thing London said during this two week period I could fill a book. At least Madden was good....right?
Did I mention how excited I am for Tyler to get home!!!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Surgery Numero Dos
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 9:02 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Calling Santa.....
So London is a great child with her brother, Madden. He absolutely adores her and she adores him right back. This being said, she has not been a great child to me.
Thanksgiving day was embarrassing. She was grumpy, needed a nap, and only ate candy from our gingerbread houses that we were making.
The only good thing about that craft was that it made her happy to eat the candy.
London has been so naughty in fact that I made a phone call to Santa. This is how it went: Me: "Hey Santa this is, London's not being a good girl.....yeah, should I send back those presents?......" London stood there watching me quietly. She then stuck out her palm and said, "Let me talk to him." Uuhhh.......this was not going to the way I planned. Clearly, she was going to explain herself to him.
"No," I said, "Only Mommy and Daddy can talk to Santa." This confused her somewhat and she threw a tantrum. I said, "Uh oh, Santa told me to send back those presents." I knew this would send her into immediate obedience. "Go ahead!" is what she said to me. Hmmm......I'm at a loss. So, watching "Elf" was the next step.
Good news!! She now wants to be on the nice list really badly. So, later the other night she said, "Mom, you inspire me!" Where she got that line kind of confused I rewound the movie she was watching (Ratatouille) and what do you know?! There was the inspiring line. Lesson learned, the way to get to my naughty girl is through movies, not Santa.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 2:09 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm grateful for so many things. Tyler got home this morning and I know it's going to be a great day....
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Food Network Anyone?
London cracks me up and it amazes me the things she picks up from other people. For example:
- I like the food network, I'll admit it. I walked into the bathroom the other day and London was talking to herself in the mirror. "Welcome back," she said, "I'm London. Today we'll be making sour cream aliciousness (deliciousness)." I laughed and she said, "You can have the cream and I'll have the salt." Then she said, "Oh, we'll make a tart too." I asked her if she knew what a tart was and she rolled her eyes and said, "It's like a pie, MOM!"
- I have a bad shoulder and try to hide from London most of the time the pain and my Dr.'s appts. However, the other day I asked her to do something and she said, "I'm so sorry but, I can't because my shoulder hurts."
- London asked me if she could watch a movie and I said no. She ran into the other room where my mom was and said, "You've gotta be kidding me!" over and over again. I'm ashamed to say that I repeat this line every time she poops in her diaper.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 11:27 AM 4 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Halloween, a Blessing, and First Times.....
For Halloween, Grandma and Grandpa were in town and decided to take London trick or treating. Since they had other grandchildren to go see, we ended up being the first people out in my parents' neighborhood.
The first door we got to she said, "Greetin Treatin!" I have no idea where she heard that but, I thought it was hilarious.
Because most of the people weren't home London didn't get a ton of candy. This is good because Mom is on a no sugar diet and I would have thrown her candy away the next day anyways.
London was once again her princess and Madden was a pumpkin.
But, being the cautious mother that I am, Madden did not go "Greetin, Treatin." When we got back from Trick or Treating, we found Sammy in a beautiful peacoat and pink hat that London usually wears.
He's beautiful, what can I say? After a week of preparing for Madden's blessing on Sunday by myself, it finally came to fruition.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER again will I have a blessing day when Tyler lands and gets home a half hour before it starts. I almost had a heart attack and feel pretty sure that it caused an ulcer.
However, Tyler's mom was in town and we tried to accommodate everyone.
Along with it being Madden's first Halloween, first father's blessing, he also had his first rice cereal.
He loves it and gobbles it as well as you could imagine.
If I don't shovel it in fast enough he whimpers or gets angry with me. It's pretty funny because he's clearly not starving. The same week as the blessing, Mom wanted a picture of all her grandkids and bought them all beautiful outfits.
Unfortunately, most of the kids were not cooperating and the two infants seemed to be doing better than everyone else. Madden is becoming such a fun little boy. Just the other day he was caught lounging just like his daddy does in his bouncer.
He's so dang cute that I can't even stand it sometimes.
It's crazy how fast our family has grown and what great blessings our children are to us.
Tyler and I say every night how much we love our children.
Even when London is throwing tantrums and constantly asking to make muffins or cookies, I just think she's so cute and special.
Life is good.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 7:55 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A straighter nose and a blackmail picture
So after having a broken nose for quite a few years I finally got it fixed. It's amazing! I can actually breathe without whistling through my nose. I've never thought of breathing well as a luxury, but I'll tell you it is the best thing ever. I feel light headed from all the oxygen. I also had not realized how crooked my nose was. After the bandages and the stints came out I took a good look at myself and thought, "I look a little different..." Yes, that would be the straighter nose.
Luckily, Ty was in town for some of my recovery and took care of me and our little angels.
Right after I had surgery, I was nursing Madden and burping him. He did a little bobble-head act and slammed right into my nose. While trying to get the blood to stop gushing, I pulled out a somewhat important stitch.
Fortunately, the doc says he hopes it won't separate because then I'd have a hole between my nostrils! that's not going to work for I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that. Anywhooo...I was smart enough to document this little experience with a hideous, make-up-less picture with a bandage on my face and another glorious picture with me and London and my massively swollen nose.
Can you tell I was on pain killers? My posterity better appreciate this humiliation.
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 12:07 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Our Yearly Halloween Party!
This years Halloween Party brought up some interesting costumes. London was once again, a princess. I was Ugly Betty and Madden was a Pumpkin. I drew in my eyebrows really thick and the whole night they were itching!
Although, he cried a lot of the night because he was hurting.
Poor guy. At least he's chubby enough to look like a Pumpkin!
Gabe was Elvis and looked awesome!
His hair was so dang cute. My mom was a cat burglar.
Mandy was a gypsy.
Libby was Goth Brooks.
Dan and Emily were lifeguards and little Sammy was a Bear.
Madeline was an Equestrian (or lamo because it wasn't really a costume).
Dean and Mary were a King and Queen. Mia was a flower.
Luke was spiderman and Ginger was a little chick. Trent was a super dud because he was the ONLY one not to dress up.
I mean, COME ON!!! It's a costume party! Oh well, I guess we still love him. My dad was Nick Nolte.
He pasted pictures of his mug shot all over the house. It was pretty good.
I love this picture because Madden is trying to nurse. ha ha!
We had a donut eating contest and Dean won. His donut fell on the ground but, that did not stop him from eating it...on his knees...without his hands.
Madden was pretty fussy for a little bit of the night. My dad calmed him down and wrapped him in a blanky. Poor guy has acid reflux and doesn't poop for three days. I'd be fussy too!
He was so warm he slept all through dinner. The kids were hilarious. Mom had a ghost pinata and they went wild. The got glow sticks and candy and vampire fangs. London loved the fake teeth and also loved her earrings. She wore them all night! It was a really fun night and my mom gave prizes to everyone. She did an awesome job and always makes an effort to make our get-togethers memorable. Thanks mom!
Posted by Tyler and Shelley at 8:15 AM 6 comments